How Do I Get My Teeth Whiter?

Teeth Whitening Bedford NHPatients everywhere are looking for ways to get their teeth whiter. Whether you are looking for a natural at-home remedy or want a professional and effective whitening option, whiter teeth give you an improved appearance and boost confidence. Many people suffer from yellow or stained teeth and feel embarrassed in social or business settings. With a whiter smile, you can feel good in your skin and are more confident to socialize with those around you. You can follow many healthy habits to keep your teeth white, but sometimes it may take more than a few natural and organic products to maintain your white teeth. Learn below four ways to get whiter teeth at home and how to bring out your self-confidence!

Four Ways To Get Whiter Teeth At-Home

No more hiding your smile in pictures! Learn these helpful tips to get your teeth whiter and discover a happier, more confident version of yourself!

Quit Smoking

Smoking is a leading cause of cancer, bad breath, and oral health, leading to yellow, stained teeth. If you want to change your smile and brighten up the appearance of your teeth, consider quitting smoking. Although you don’t have to quit cold turkey, slowly easing out of your smoking habits will allow you to focus on better oral health and fewer side effects. Tobacco stains the teeth with brown stains that can penetrate the enamel and grooves of your teeth. The longer you smoke, the more stains you will have on your teeth, and the harder it will take for those stains to come off. If you have been a recent smoker for a while and want to have whiter teeth, you may notice it takes longer for your teeth to whiten than a non-smoker. This is because of the length of your smoking days, causing that brown stain to thicken and worsen over time. Aside from yellow teeth, smoking causes bad breath and gingivitis, which can also worsen oral health.

Choose Proper Foods And Beverages

Most patients may not know that their chosen foods and drinks can impact their white teeth. Most patients drink coffee or tea, which can be known for causing teeth stains. Coffee, tea, dark sodas, red wines, and fruit juices can discolor your teeth if drunk often. These stains may not be noticeable right away after drinking, but they become more noticeable over time, especially as we age. To keep your teeth white and enjoy your favorite beverages, proper brushing, and rinsing can help wash away those liquids from your mouth. There are also certain foods that you can incorporate into your diet that will help keep your teeth white and healthy. Fruits and veggies such as apples, carrots, and celery trigger lots of saliva in the mouth, allowing you to wash away food debris and remittances of your beverages. More saliva neutralizes the acid that can cause tooth decay, preventing your teeth from yellowing.

Good Oral Health And Dental Products

It may seem obvious, but everything falls into place when you have good oral health. If you want to whiten your teeth, practice good oral regimens by brushing twice daily, flossing, and using mouthwash to rinse. With that said, using the right products is equally as important as having good oral health because you need the right products to get there! Using an electric toothbrush over a traditional hand-held toothbrush allows your mouth to feel cleaner as it gets into the crevices of your teeth. This will ensure your mouth is as fresh as possible, removing debris from foods and beverages throughout the day. The right toothpaste and mouthwash products are also essential because they help target specific issues or conditions you are dealing with. If you want whiter teeth, choose a whitening toothpaste or mouthwash to help get you there. With these helpful tips and including them in your regular brushing routine, you will notice whiter and healthier teeth in no time!

Whitening Strips Or Whitening Trays

One of the most effective ways to whiten your teeth in the comfort of your home is by using whitening strips or whitening trays from your dentist. This is a highly effective option because these products contain hydrogen peroxide to help your teeth get whiter fast. These whitening treatments are usually worn for 30-45 minutes daily and can be used daily, depending on the patient. Some patients may notice their teeth becoming more sensitive, and they can drop a day or two of the treatment if needed. These whitening treatments allow patients to get the best results possible with a bleaching product. The difference between trays and strips is that strips may not be able to cover the exact tooth and snap in as perfectly as a custom tray does. The trays can be customized to the patient’s mouth and hold the gel in place during the treatment. This provides excellent results and protects your teeth from sensitivity better than strips.

Teeth Whitening in Bedford, NH

For professional and effective teeth whitening services, Jo-Anne Johnson, DMD can help! We offer cosmetic dental services, including our custom dental trays and bleaching tubes, as a part of our lifetime whitening program. Our lifetime whitening is a great option for patients looking to have a whiter smile and can maintain it for life. This includes our lifetime membership, an in-office whitening visit, custom whitening trays for at-home whitening, and a complimentary touch-up gel tube for maintaining your bright smile. Learn more about our lifetime whitening in Bedford, NH, and contact our team to get started today at 603-471-6000!